
From one of popular mailing service SendGrid’s blog, they explain the term webhook as following:
A webhook is an API concept that’s growing in popularity. As more and more of what we do on the web can be described by events, webhooks are becoming even more applicable. They’re incredibly useful and a resource-light way to implement event reactions.

So we will send HTTP requests to inform you about available updates which are specified as follows:

Event When will be send
conversation.created When a conversation is created
message.created When a conversation replied by customer or agent
message.state_changed When a message state is changed
conversation.auto_assign To specify to be assigned which agent
conversation.assigned When a conversation assigned to an agent
conversation.archived When a conversation archived, sends all messages with all attachments
conversation.type_changed When a conversation type changed, sends all messages with all attachments
conversation.custom_fields_updated When a conversation custom fields changed
customer.updated When agent edits a customer
feedback.received When a feedback received
agent.status_changed When an agent status changed
conversation.group_changed When a user group changed in conversation


You must give a response to requests with a 2xx HTTP status code. We will keep sending requests 30 times until you give a successful response. If you do not reply, the response message is deleted.


UTM, and/or language like metadata will be included in data information on conversations and messages.

Verifying webhook requests

We will sign webhook requests that we sending with HMAC-SHA256 algorithm.

For PHP, you can use native hash_hmac function. You can see below the code snippets written in other languages.


import base64
import hashlib
import hmac

def make_digest(data, key):
    key = bytes(key, 'UTF-8')
    data = bytes(data, 'UTF-8')

    digester = hmac.new(key, data, hashlib.sha256)
    signature1 = digester.digest()

    signature2 = base64.b64encode(signature1)

    return str(signature2, 'UTF-8')

You should compare X-Connexease-Webhook-Sign header when received a webhook request.

import json

from django.http import HttpResponse

def connexease_webhooks(request):
    secret_key = 'awesome-secret-key'
    sign = request.META.get('X-Connexease-Webhook-Sign')

    channel_uuid = json.loads(request.body).get('channel').get('uuid')

    generated_digest = make_digest(channel_uuid, secret_key)

    if generated_digest != sign:
        return HttpResponse('Webhook-Sign Could Not Verified!')


Very simple endpoint for handling connexease webhooks written in .NET Core MVC.

using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

namespace WebhookHandler.Controllers
    public class WebhookController : ControllerBase
        public static string MakeDigest(string data, string key)
            var keyByte = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(key);
            var digest = new HMACSHA256(keyByte);
            return System.Convert.ToBase64String(digest.Hash);

        public void WebhookHandler(JObject webhook_body)
            string sign = Request.Headers["X-Connexease-Webhook-Sign"];
            JObject channel = (JObject)webhook_body["channel"];
            string channel_uuid = (string)channel["uuid"];
            string secretKey = "your-awesome-secret-key";
            string signGenerated = MakeDigest(channel_uuid, secretKey);
            if (sign == signGenerated) {
                // Success.
            else {
                // Fail.

Available hooks

Conversation created

When the conversation is started by the customer, the response message is created.


POST: /webhook/

    "hook": "conversation.created",
    "account": {
        "uuid": "2fbcadf6-c91a-4d1f-9ed4-d4ef5f6d1362",
        "name": "Acme Ltd"
    "channel": {
        "uuid": "9cbee132-db65-4437-8825-844ca1dcfc1e",
        "name": "Live Support",
        "backend": "live_chat"
    "payload": {
        "uuid": "e94f00c6-0193-49db-b93b-c8931b56ba16",
        "account": "2fbcadf6-c91a-4d1f-9ed4-d4ef5f6d1362",
        "channel": "9cbee132-db65-4437-8825-844ca1dcfc1e",
        "customer": {
                "uuid": "d46fd69a-0584-41d3-8c0a-f90a4435b27b",
                "name": "John Doe",
                "mail": "[email protected]",
                "phone_number": "+90518384443"
        "type": null,
        "custom_fields": {
        "data": {
            "pdf": "PDF URL"
        "is_archived": false,
        "archived_at": "None",
        "archived_by": null,
        "assigned_at": "None",
        "assigned_to": null,
        "assigned_group": {
            "uuid": "d46fd69a-0584-41d3-8c0a-f90a4435b27b",
            "name": "Only US Region"
        "messages": {
            "id": 378,
            "conversation_uuid": "e94f00c6-0193-49db-b93b-c8931b56ba16",
            "channel_identifier": "172CBFF7C637CEA6913C36E0CA1E9CB7",
            "agent": null,
            "customer": {
                "uuid": "d46fd69a-0584-41d3-8c0a-f90a4435b27b",
                "name": "John Doe",
                "mail": "[email protected]",
                "phone_number": "+90518384443"
            "type": "text",
            "content": "22",
            "data": {
                "language": "turkish"
            "media_url": null,
            "latitude": null,
            "longitude": null

Conversation assigned

When a conversation is assigned, all information about that conversation is sent.


    "hook": "conversation.assigned",
    "account": {
        "uuid": "2fbcadf6-c91a-4d1f-9ed4-d4ef5f6d1362",
        "name": "Acme Ltd"
    "channel": {
        "uuid": "9cbee132-db65-4437-8825-844ca1dcfc1e",
        "name": "Live Support",
        "backend": "live_chat"
    "payload": {
        "uuid": "e07c18f3-e1a8-4d41-a362-71a536d0cb21",
        "account": "2fbcadf6-c91a-4d1f-9ed4-d4ef5f6d1362",
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        "customer": {
            "uuid": "487947db-f7e9-4b31-955a-3987475fe766",
            "name": null,
            "mail": null,
            "phone_number": null,
            "crm": null
        "type": "About Order",
        "custom_fields": {
            "order_number": {
                "value": "C-123456"
            "return_date": {
                "value": "2018-03-27 10:00:19.697269+00:00"
            "6b7540d2-6b89-4da6-9276-feb6bc647139": {
                "value": "Text"
            "a8f8443c-d972-44bb-82f3-751697b601b3": {
                "value": 123456
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            "utm": {
                "utm_source": "google",
                "utm_medium": "banner",
            "pdf": "PDF URL"
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        "archived_at": null,
        "archived_by": null,
        "assigned_at": "2018-03-26 06:57:18.661949+00:00",
        "assigned_to": {
            "uuid": "f00b6c2f-0af6-47a2-b4e0-82bf2fa2c8a4",
            "first_name": "Agent",
            "last_name": "2",
            "mail": "[email protected]"
        "assigned_group": null,
        "messages": [
                "id": 87,
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                "sent_at": "2018-05-23 08:14:55.300273+00:00",
                "create_at": "2018-05-23 08:14:55.749446+00:00"
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                    "name": null,
                    "mail": null,
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                "sent_at": "2018-05-23 08:15:55.300273+00:00",
                "create_at": "2018-05-23 08:15:55.749446+00:00"
                "id": 332,
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                "channel_identifier": null,
                "agent": {
                    "uuid": "f00b6c2f-0af6-47a2-b4e0-82bf2fa2c8a4",
                    "first_name": "Agent",
                    "last_name": "2",
                    "mail": "[email protected]"
                "customer": null,
                "type": "location",
                "content": null,
                "data": {
                    "language": null
                "media_url": null,
                "latitude": "41.0321733",
                "longitude": "28.9858517",
                "sent_at": "2018-05-23 08:16:55.300273+00:00",
                "create_at": "2018-05-23 08:16:55.749446+00:00"

Conversation archived

When a conversation is archived, all information about that conversation is sent.


    "hook": "conversation.archived",
    "account": {
        "uuid": "2fbcadf6-c91a-4d1f-9ed4-d4ef5f6d1362",
        "name": "Acme Ltd"
    "channel": {
        "uuid": "9cbee132-db65-4437-8825-844ca1dcfc1e",
        "name": "Live Support",
        "backend": "live_chat"
    "payload": {
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        "account": "2fbcadf6-c91a-4d1f-9ed4-d4ef5f6d1362",
        "channel": "9cbee132-db65-4437-8825-844ca1dcfc1e",
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            "name": null,
            "mail": null,
            "phone_number": null,
            "crm": null
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                "utm_medium": "banner",
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            "first_name": "",
            "last_name": "",
            "mail": "[email protected]"
        "assigned_at": "2018-03-26 06:57:18.661949+00:00",
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                "create_at": "2018-05-23 08:14:55.749446+00:00"
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                "create_at": "2018-05-23 08:16:55.749446+00:00"

Conversation type changed

When a conversation is type changed, all information about that conversation is sent.


    "hook": "conversation.type_changed",
    "account": {
        "uuid": "2fbcadf6-c91a-4d1f-9ed4-d4ef5f6d1362",
        "name": "Acme Ltd"
    "channel": {
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        "name": "Live Support",
        "backend": "live_chat"
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            "mail": null,
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                "create_at": "2018-05-23 08:15:55.749446+00:00"
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                    "first_name": "",
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                "create_at": "2018-05-23 08:16:55.749446+00:00"

Conversation custom fields changed

When a conversation custom fields changed, sends all messages with all attachments


    "hook": "conversation.custom_fields_updated",
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        "name": "Live Support",
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                "create_at": "2018-05-23 08:15:55.749446+00:00"
        "custom_fields": {
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            "order_date": {
                "value": "2020-08-17 10:22"
            "6b7540d2-6b89-4da6-9276-feb6bc647139": {
                "value": "Text"
            "a8f8443c-d972-44bb-82f3-751697b601b3": {
                "value": 123456

Conversation user group changed

When a conversation user group changed, all information about that conversation is sent.


    "hook": "conversation.group_changed",
    "account": {
        "uuid": "2fbcadf6-c91a-4d1f-9ed4-d4ef5f6d1362",
        "name": "Acme Ltd"
    "channel": {
        "uuid": "9cbee132-db65-4437-8825-844ca1dcfc1e",
        "name": "Live Support",
        "backend": "live_chat"
    "payload": {
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            "name": null,
            "mail": null,
            "phone_number": null,
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        "custom_fields": {
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            "return_date": {
                "value": "2018-03-27 10:00:19.697269+00:00"
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                "create_at": "2018-05-23 08:16:55.749446+00:00"

Message create

When a conversation replied by a customer or an agent, information about that message is sent.


    "hook": "message.created",
    "account": {
        "uuid": "2fbcadf6-c91a-4d1f-9ed4-d4ef5f6d1362",
        "name": "Acme Ltd"
    "channel": {
        "uuid": "9cbee132-db65-4437-8825-844ca1dcfc1e",
        "name": "Live Support",
        "backend": "live_chat"
    "payload": {
        "id": 377,
        "channel_identifier": "172CBFF7C637CEA6913C36E0CA1E9CB7",
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            "name": null,
            "mail": null,
            "phone_number": null
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        "content": null,
        "data": {
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            "interactive": {
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        "latitude": null,
        "longitude": null,
        "sent_at": "2018-05-23 08:14:55.300273+00:00",
        "create_at": "2018-05-23 08:14:55.749446+00:00"


If the message came from interactive reply buttons or chosen list options, the interactive object with reply_id property shown in the message data property


"data": {
    "language": "turkish",
    "interactive": {
        "reply_id": "2"

Message state changed

When a message state is changed, information about that message is sent.


    "hook": "message.state_changed",
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        "name": "Acme Ltd"
    "channel": {
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        "name": "WA-Dialog360",
        "backend": "360_dialog"
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        "conversation_uuid": "f6e5b656-a4e8-41c6-b9ef-63b9474915ae",
        "state": "failed | delivered | deleted",
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            "uuid": "b3058476-6629-441b-8ffb-9974cb5f245f",
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            "last_name": "",
            "mail": "[email protected]"
        "customer": {
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            "name": null,
            "mail": null,
            "phone_number": "+901231231231",
            "crm": null
        "sent_at": "2021-12-09 08:54:31.322826+00:00",
        "create_at": "2021-12-09 08:54:31.337290+00:00"

Customer updated

Information about the related customer will be sent when an agent updates a customer’s info.


    "hook": "customer.updated",
    "account": {
        "uuid": "2fbcadf6-c91a-4d1f-9ed0-d4efsf6d5362",
        "name": "Acme Ltd"
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        "backend": "whatsapp"
    "payload": {
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        "name": "Mike",
        "mail": null,
        "phone_number": "+905211341620",
        "crm": null

Receiving Feedback

When a customer makes feedback, information about that feedback is sent.


    "hook": "feedback.received",
    "account": {
        "uuid": "2fbcadf6-c91a-4d1f-9ed0-d4efsf6d5362",
        "name": "Acme Ltd"
    "channel": {
        "uuid": "9cbee452-db65-4437-8825-844ca1dcfc1e",
        "name": "Supported",
        "backend": "whatsapp"
    "payload": {
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        "customer": {
            "uuid": "c658cf92-f4ff-4a33-b9da-a6c6d7db75cb",
            "name": "Neil Lee",
            "mail": null,
            "phone_number": "+905404011993",
            "crm": null
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        "satisfaction": 4,
        "message": "Thanks......",
        "type": "emoji"

Agent status changed

When an agent status changed, information about that status change is sent.


    "hook": "agent.status_changed",
    "account": {
        "uuid": "2fbcadf6-c91a-4d1f-9ed0-d4efsf6d5362",
        "name": "Acme Ltd"
    "payload": {
        "uuid": "b3058476-6629-441b-8ffb-9974cb5f245f",
        "first_name": "",
        "last_name": "",
        "mail": "[email protected]"

Webhook response model

We offer to you the opportunity to respond back to our webhook requests.

You are free to send messages to your customers, archive a conversation, assign conversations to agents and so on.

We expect 200 status code and application/json type response from you to handle your message. You can build your json response body as in the form of below examples.


If you provide an authentication key to us, we can attach it in the request.


Within webhook response model you can smoothly combine different events in one particular request.

Sending messages

    "events": [
            "hook": "message.create",
            "messages": [
                    "type": "text",
                    "content": "Hi! Welcome to Connexease. This is an auto message. Bla bla...",
                    "type": "location",
                    "content": "You can find many other products in sale at our outlet shop:",
                    "lat": 12.345678,
                    "lng": 12.345678,
                    "type": "image",
                    "content": "and this is a media message",
                    "url": "https://loremflickr.com/320/240",


    "events": [
            "hook": "conversation.archive"


    "events": [
            "hook": "conversation.assign",
            "agent": {
                "email": "[email protected]"

Setting Conversation Type

If you want to set the sub-conversation type, the sub-conversation type must be in the sub key, and the sub-conversation type must be the main conversation type in the name key. You can set the sub key null for the main conversation type.

    "events": [
            "hook": "conversation.type",
            "type": {
                "name": "About Order",
                "sub": "Status" | null

Customer Update

For specific reasons you might want to update your customer’s name, e.g setting a ticket number as customer name.

    "events": [
            "hook": "customer.update",
            "customer": {
                "name": "John Doe - A23F0004C"

Updating Custom Fields


Use the identifier of the custom field.

    "events": [
            "hook": "conversation.custom_fields_update",
            "custom_fields": {
                "order_number": {
                    "value": "12345"
                "order_date": {
                    "value": "2020-08-17 10:22"
                "6b7540d2-6b89-4da6-9276-feb6bc647139": {
                    "value": "Text"
                "a8f8443c-d972-44bb-82f3-751697b601b3": {
                    "value": 123456